Here are some videos that we have found helpful as we work with our students. Some of the language and content is mature - so please be sure to pre-screen before you share with your students/community.
A short video on the importance of being an Ally.
"Ally is a Verb". |
A series of videos produced by MTV that talk about the
problem with micro-aggressions. |
Ta-Nehisi Coates on why white people can't use the 'N'word.
Example of a young person affecting change and
becoming an activist in her community. "Unsung Hero" - a great video that show how helping out in seemingly little ways can have a huge impact to those you help.
"Silent Beats" - a video that shows how stereotypes can cause us
to have limiting and incorrect views of others. "Leadership Lessons from the Dancing Guy" - a great leadership video
that encourages kids to be "the first follower". An effective video that explains why micro aggressions
are impactful (language warning). An "Adam Ruins Everything" segment that discusses the racist
practice of Redlining created by FDR. |
A video that explains Implicit Bias.
A compelling story about how perceived whiteness can lead to
unearned treatment & advantages. This videos shows how we can miss things that are right in front of us
- like institutional racism/sexism/homophobia. We've used this "be awesome" meme to work on inspiring our kids
to take on challenges they might think beyond them. "Lunch Date" - if you show the first 7:30 and ask kids what happened,
and then show the rest - you'll be surprised. A short (3 min) that gets students thinking about the idea that race
is primarily a social construct. "I Am Not Black" - spoken word poem that highlights the
limitations of labeling. |